Recipes Nugget Markets Signature Recipes
Even when pomegranates aren't in season, Pom brand juices make it easy to enjoy them all year long. You can have a sweet treat and get your antioxidants, too!
- 4 cups Pom pomegranate juice
- 1 cup sugar
- Zest and juice of 1 lemon
Place everything but the lemon juice into a small saucepan and bring just to a boil. Turn off the heat and add the lemon juice. Allow to cool thoroughly and place in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours to cool, ideally overnight.
Turn on your ice cream maker and allow to spin while you carefully pour the sorbet base into the churner. The sorbet will take 15-20 minutes to set. It will be the consistency of soft serve ice cream. Transfer to a sealed container and allow to condition at least overnight.
- zest
Colored part of the peel of citrus fruit which contains flavorful oils.